Havana First United Methodist Church Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/havanaumc/
Worship services are Sundays at 10:30 a.m. weekly and live streaming is available on the church website and Facebook page. The service will remain on the website to be viewed anytime.
Havana First United Methodist Church is a friendly, welcoming, caring neighborhood church. We see part of our mission as the ministry of providing a surrogate or supplemental family to our members. Whether you are new in town, separated from family (by work, school or military obligations), if you are estranged and divorced from your family, or if you just want to make new friends, our church can be that “new family” for you with new brothers and sisters, children to nourish, and wiser, older people who can share their love of God, and wisdom from life’s journey.
If you are looking for a place where you can fully participate in praise, prayer, worship and church activities and not merely be a spectator, our church is for you! We also have plenty of opportunities for leadership if you feel so called.
Sometimes, life deals us blows that require a place to sort things out. Our church is a safe place to work out those experiences with God’s help; whether one is grieving over a sudden or unexpected death, the loss of a relationship or job, or some other difficult problem. We provide a nurturing environment and a caring family to listen, help, and pray with you.
If you are looking for a place to give back for the blessings you have received, we have ministries and places of service. The lifeblood of a small church is not paid staff but volunteer efforts and financial patrons. There is a place for you.
Together, we are greater than the sum of our individual parts. Through our connectional system in mission with The United Methodist Church, we join with other United Methodist congregations to achieve what we cannot do individually. There is a part for each of us to play in that bigger story.
Life is rough enough. News headlines report new difficulties each day. Many times, it is difficult to know what to believe and in whom you can place your trust. We don’t claim to have “all the answers” but as fellow pilgrims on a journey, we walk with you as we share our love of God, our journey to Christ, and our lives with each other.

Havana First United Methodist Church-Illinois
Religious Organization